Speed Awareness
You will all, no doubt, have been aware of a gradual increase in the speed of traffic passing through Aston Rowant on the B4009, and on the roads within the village itself, with many drivers regularly exceeding the statutory limit. Your parish council has recognised that traffic calming action must be taken and, together with Oxfordshire County Council (OCC), are now addressing this problem head-on with proposals that are intended to make our roads safer for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic alike.
Following Cllr. Matthew Day’s successful installation of a chicane at the southern approach to Kingston Blount, it’s now Aston Rowant’s turn to control traffic speeds.
The council’s traffic calming project for Aston Rowant will include (a) reducing the speed limit within the old village roads from 30 MPH to 20 MPH, and (b) feasibility studies to install traffic speed reduction measures along the main highway, especially at the junction of the old village road and the B4009. OCC have also recognised that the current electronic Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) on the B4009 south-eastern entrance to the village, is badly positioned. It triggers a “30 MPH Slow Down” warning prematurely for traffic arriving from the motorway and therefore will be relocated further north to become more effective.
The speed limit change within Aston Rowant will be implemented this spring, so may I suggest that now is an opportunity for everyone to practice observing the coming 20 MPH limit while waiting for replacement signage.
We trust our efforts will create a safer environment for all.
Cllr. John Wyatt
Aston Rowant Parish Council Traffic Calming Coordinator.