Cricket Club pavilion consultation
Aston Rowant Cricket Club is holding an open consultancy meeting, in the clubhouse, on Thursday 24thAugust at 8.00pm. The meeting is open to all club members and members of the public.
The meeting is to allow the club to explain the three-phase approach to the re-development of the club off-field facilities. These are very different to the previous plans.
Phase 1: The purchase and installation of a wooden pavilion on the north field (the Sydenham side of the Moors Path).
Phase 2: The relocation of the groundsmen’s equipment sheds.
Phase 3: The replacement of the current pavilion on the south field (by the B4009) on the site of the current pavilion.
Draft plans for phase 1 are available on both the club website,, and the notice boards outside on the club walls and inside the clubhouse.
These drawings are for discussion and we are looking for feedback on them prior to a planning application later in the year.
We need to make it clear that the Aston Rowant Parish Council has not made a decision on whether to support this plan and cannot comment until a formal planning application is made.
Please try and look at the drawings and we look forward to comments.