Police & Crime Conversation
Matthew Barber (Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner) has agreed to come for a conversation about the role of the Police & Crime Commissioner, the priorities for the future and the issues or areas of concern for us in South Oxfordshire District Council (Chinnor Ward, which includes Aston Rowant). This has been booked in Kingston Blount Village Hall on Thursday 26th March from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
It will give us an opportunity to get local issues discussed, and we have been asked if we could provide Matt with local concerns or topics before the event to maximise the time available. If you have any issues you wish to be raised/discussed, please email the clerk via this website (see contact details) by Friday 14th March, so we can get them to Matt and he has a little time to get background info, if he needs it, for this meeting.
Please see the attached flyer with details of the event.