ARCC this weekend
The league cricket season has now finished with only two more weekends of cricket before the end of season.
On Saturday 8th September is the annual Presidents day with two games on the top field. The first game starts at 10.30 and features the Aston Rowant Cricket Club Legends. The second starts at 1pm is ARCC v Presidents XI.
The bar is open from 12.00 and both games will be followed by the End of Season Ball at Chinnor Rugby Club.
The bar is also open on Friday night.
Next, the new pavilion. Following the successful consultation meeting recently held at the club we have submitted a full planning application, P23/S2916/FUL the details of which are on the parish council website. If you wish to comment the deadline is 25th September. The parish council will discuss this at their meeting next week – 13 September at 1930hrs in the church.