Playground update
We are absolutely delighted to be able to confirm that we have raised a grand total of £60,359.31 (including the money for the new fence) and therefore we are now able to start the works for Phase 1 (inside the fenced area) of the project with our chosen supplier – Discovery Timber Play.
The works for Phase 1 will be undertaken from Tuesday 9th – Friday 19th July (approximately). This will include the removal and replacement of damaged equipment, the addition of new playground equipment and furniture and the restoration of existing items that will be kept.
Rescheduled dates for the cleaning of the playground will be confirmed shortly and further information on the delivery of Phase 2 (installation of the Zip Wire and picnic benches outside the fenced area) will be provided in due course.
We have been blown away by the amount of support we have received, especially from within the community having received £1,354.16 from individual donations, raised £6,604.13 from events and we have also been financially supported by both the Aston Rowant Parish Council and Hillwerke Recreation Trust as well.
There aren’t enough words to convey our most heart felt thanks to you all for supporting us and recognising the significance of restoring and preserving this much loved, well used community asset.
We now look forward to preparing for delivery and providing a safe and stimulating playground facility to local children and young families.
Many thanks,